Ani Budaghyan
Session terms
20.000 AMD, 60 min
20.000 AMD
2010-2014 Bachelor’s Degree in Department of Psychology Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) university
2014-2016 Master’s Degree in Department of Personality Psychology Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) university
2017 up to now PhD studentRussian-Armenian (Slavonic) university
18-22 of May 2022-Training "BASICS OF SCHEMA THERAPY",Mental Health Service
20-22 April 2018, WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP, International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “Applications of resource-orientated counseling and positive psychotherapy in therapy, consultation, education, training and coaching, cultural integration of counseling and research” (30 hours)
23-25 April 2018, WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP,
World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WAPP), 2nd March 2017
International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “Resource-orientated Counseling and Psychotherapy – Introduction” (30 hours)
WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP, 4-6 April 2017
International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “First interview, diagnostics, an techniques” (30 hours)
WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP, 7-9 April 2017
International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “Positive family therapy, counseling marital problem, tress management” (30 hours)
WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP, 5-7 September 2017
International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “Methods of trauma therapy. Cultural specifics in counseling, crisis intervention in groups, self-help groups, group psychotherapy” (30 hours)
WAPP, IAPP, EFCPP, 8-10 September 2017
International Training Seminar on Positive Psychotherapy “Advanced concepts of Positive and transcultural
counseling and psychotherapy” (30 hours)
YSU Centre of Applied Psychology, December 2015 - February 2016
Training “Basic Consultant of positive psychotherapy”, 1st phase
Armenian Association for Positive psychotherapy (AAPP), 27-30 October 2016
Training “Basic Consultant of positive psychotherapy”, 2nd phase
Armenian Association for Positive psychotherapy (AAPP), 15-18 December 2016
Certificate of Basic Consultant of Positive Psychotherapy (200 hours of theoretical and practical training)
YSU Centre Applied Psychology, May-September 2015
Practical Course “Psychiatry for psychologists - theory and practice” (25 hours)
Psychiatric medical clinic “Nubarashen”, October 2015
Practical Course “Skills of Sandplay Therapy” (24 hours)
AVAZE AMROC Center of Development and Sand Painting, December 2015
Practical Course “Training of Trainers” 2nd phase
YSU Centre of Applied Psychology, April – July 2014
Practical Course “Group cognitive therapy” (36 hours)
Psychological center “AYG”, June-July 2013
Practical Course “Training of Trainers” 1st phase (48 hours)
Practical Course “Cognitive-Behavioral Psychoterapy” 1st phase and 2nd phase (120 hours)
YSU Centre of Applied Psychology, February – December 2013
Training Course “Solution Space” workshop by Irina Cheglova
October 2012
2022 to date MHS Mental Health Service Psychologist-psychotherapist
2020 up to now The center of psychological services “AYG”, February, Trainer
2019- up to now Department of Psychology, RAU, September, Assistant lecturer
2017- up to now Department of Psychology, RAU, September, Coordinator
2017 up to now Young Psychologists’ School, Russian-Armenian University, February, Laboratory
August 2016-September 2018 Department of Psychology, RAU, Volunteer
June 2016 - September 2016 AVAZE AMROC Center of Development and Sand Painting, Intern
January 2016 - September 2016 Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, department of Medical psychology
February 2016- April 2016 “ADF SHOPS” C.J.S.C. (Zvartnotc Dufry), Cashier
October 2013 – December 2015, Ltd “Market”, Chief account manager
June – October 2013 Ltd “Market”, Sales assistant
Armenian – native
Russian– fluent